A daily morning ritual will Change Your Life. Maybe read that again. Starting each day with a routine is the fastest way to immediately up-level your life. This everyday wellness tool will make you better, at every single thing you do. And the results are cumulative.

Beginning each day with a few intentional steps affects everything you do thereafter. You’ll notice within the first week that you’re more focused, effective, calm and grounded, and ultimately, more productive and efficient. A solid morning ritual can help improve your sleep and wellbeing, and it can be the most effective strategy to achieve your goals, if you stick with it.

This routine can be two minutes, or 20 minutes. It can be any time of day, and has a ripple effect when done right when you wake up. Below, you’ll find a few examples of impactful practices you can draw from and implement, to make this practice your own. There is no secret formula; it’s really whatever feels right, and really good, to you. Make it an experiment, add and remove components, and create your own. You’ll find an abundance of suggestions and articles about this topic online to source additional ideas and inspiration. Brush your teeth, wash your face, whatever you like, and settle in (without the phone!):

  1. Body Scan:

    Beginning each day simply lying in bed, slowly waking with eyes closed and easing into consciousness, is blissful. It actually sets the tone for the day. Listen to the sounds around you: Is it windy? Is your neighborhood still quiet, or beginning to buzz? Do you hear leaves rustling, birds chirping? A quick body scan provides information about how you’re feeling, physically, emotionally and mentally. Am I experiencing any tension, pain, stiffness, soreness? Does it feel wonderful to stretch my arms overhead and my legs wide?

  2. Thymus Tap:

    Instantly increase alertness, performance, focus, oxygen flow, immunity and calm, by gently tapping around your Thymus gland, located mid-sternum. Tap counter-clockwise with your fingertips, in a circular motion, for 10-20 seconds. This tool can be used at any time, and is particularly helpful when flooded with anxiety, fear, nervousness or discomfort. Instantly grounding. Great to do before a presentation, interview or important meeting. More on the immeasurable benefits of tapping in a future post.

  3. Breathe/Meditate/Converse with the Divine:

    You might like to make a cup of coffee, lemon water, tea or whatever you love, and take a comfortable seat. Breathe, consciously, for a few minutes. Some type of breathing and/or meditation is essential. It grounds you, and is the foundation from which to launch your day. It’s a tool you can return to at any moment, especially in times of tension, stress or crisis, and it will instantly soothe and center you, setting you up to make your next move, effectively.

    If you practice your breath, it will become involuntary in times of need. Ujjayi breath has been a staple in my life, through yoga; because of the continuous practice of leaning into this breath during times of tension and stress, my body automatically goes there when needed, without thinking. It helps me gather my strength, stay steady & focused, and even navigate crises with more ease, avoiding flail. Stay tuned for more on the power of breath later, in another post.

    Communicate with something/someone “larger” than yourself: pray, meditate, have a conversation with the Universe, a loved one on the other side, etc. This Lovingkindness Meditation was offered to me by my beloved teacher, Fran, many years ago, and has a prominent position in my daily morning ritual. Say each line on the exhale. Recite five times: once for yourself, once for someone you love, once for someone who needs help or is struggling, once for someone who is difficult/challenging for you, and once for all of us, universally:

    May I be filled with lovingkindness.

    May I be well.

    May I be peaceful, and at ease.

    May I be happy.

  4. Express Gratitude:

    Feel, experience and express your Gratitude, for anything & everything. Some days we’re grateful for our strong, healthy bodies, some days it’s for the people in our lives, other days it’s for our own courage, opportunities…Gratitude is endless, and it’s one of the top keys to success. Write down 1-3 things each day you’re grateful for, add them to your breathing/meditation ritual, and/or jot them down in a journal before sleep.

  5. Move Your Body:

    Movement is a powerful way to begin occupying your body & your day. Depending on your state of health and energy level, perhaps this includes gentle stretching and restorative exercises, doing a series of 10 Sun Salutations - Surya Namaskara A’s - (they can be a complete workout, and work every muscle in the body!), practicing the Five Tibetan Rites, a brisk swim, a full workout/Pilates/Vinyasa practice, and on days when a little more rest is called for, Yoga Nidra. Play around and switch it up.

  6. Brief Overview of Your Day: Without diving into work, visualize the flow and outline of your day. Get a general handle on your strategy, then launch.

  7. Have Some Breakfast…

    …and go forth!

Pro tip: Some mornings feel impossible, we all know. Take 1-2 minutes in your bathroom or the shower to run through a few of your favorite morning practices, say a Lovingkindness meditation as you drive to work or drop your kids off at school, just do something and commit to your ritual. It’s flexible; it’s yours.

Please share your practices for everyday wellness tools, your morning ritual, challenges, the components you’re experimenting with and love, and how it’s changed your life.


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