How’s Your Quality of Life? Questions to Increase Life Satisfaction, Improve Self-Care and Uplevel Your Happiness

Assess your quality of life & happiness for more skillful self-care & increase your life satisfaction.

In an ongoing poll since 2006, Gallup has found that global rates of life satisfaction have been consistently plummeting, leading to a decreased quality of life. How can we take this data and learn from it? How can you make shifts to poll in the opposite direction, uplevel your life and incorporate more skillful self-care? Read on for instant takeaways you can implement now to improve your quality of life and happiness.

Here are the findings:

  • 3.3 million people want a great job, but only 300 million people have one.

  • 2 billion people are struggling on their current income.

  • Over 1 billion people are so dissatisfied with their community that they want to leave it forever.

  • In 2020, three in 10 people worldwide experienced food insecurity.

  • Over 300 million people don’t have a single friend.

Most of these results were gathered before the pandemic hit, and it’s a safe guess that current rates of life satisfaction are even more grim today. If you ask yourself now, “How is my life going?” what would you note? If you made a list of positives and negatives, what would you place in each column? Where are you thriving? Where are you struggling?

As rates of stress and worry, sadness, anger and pain increase globally, there are tangible things you can do in your life to thrive. I invite you to do a life analysis in each of the following areas. Ask yourself these questions, and write down your answers.

  • Do you know what your purpose is in life? Have you identified your unique gifts to contribute to the world?

  • What are your Core Values? Does each component of your life align with these values? Consider your relationships, work, wellbeing (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), personal growth and self-care.

  • Are you doing work that nourishes you? If not, what does that work look like?

  • Does your work challenge you to grow and become a better version of yourself?

  • What is your daily self-care practice? How do you rest, restore and recharge to be most effective and balanced in your life, for yourself and for those who rely on you?

  • Notice the health of your relationships: are they healthy, respectful spaces for connection and growth?

  • Are you connected with your life force through pleasure and vibrant sexuality? Are you using this innate power to actively cultivate the life of your dreams?

  • Do you make time regularly to tend to your own needs, to maximize your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health? Do you jump out of bed each morning eager and excited to live your life? If not, what’s out of alignment and holding you back?

Journaling is an invaluable tool to monitor and improve your personal growth and progress. Research continuously shows us that action and reflection equal growth and change. When you record the steps you take in these areas, you become exponentially more effective and successful at making change in your life. This is one reason why coaching is so powerful: when you work with a neutral ally who’s laser focused on your best interests and progress, you have the support and structure to make significant leaps in life, quickly and efficiently.

Today I invite you to give serious, heartfelt thought to all of these crucial parts of your life, to assess them, acknowledge where you’re thriving, and identify areas that need some love and improvement.

What’s one change you can make this week to increase your life satisfaction? What element of self-care would feel really nice right now? How can you shift to improve your happiness and uplevel your quality of life?


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