Reflection, Journaling and Gratitude to Honor the Past and Move into the Light
As we acknowledge any dark time and welcome more light, as with the Winter Solstice, we’re called to reflect on the recent past, clear out the debris and surrender, and open to the promise and possibility of a new era, year, or season. Journaling, reflection and gratitude are the path to achieving this. We have a glowing opportunity to call in greater states of health and wellness, continued inner growth, expanded awareness, self-love and care, wealth building and abundance of all kinds.
“In times past and present, people gathered around bonfires, lit candles, sang songs of holiness and joy, and danced together to welcome the return of the light and the promise of new life. Homes were decorated with evergreen boughs, the symbol of life everlasting, and great feasts were prepared. We can still do much of this!”
- Rosemary Gladstar, Master Herbalist
On this Solstice, I invite you to reflect, acknowledge the lessons of the past year, honor your growth, celebrate your successes, and clear space as we move toward 2023 and all it will bring in this next year of our lives.
Create rituals around this process of gracefully moving through the joys and challenges of the holidays, from one year to the next, and into a new season of your life. Here are a few ways to access your deep inner wisdom and the messages within:
Light some candles.
Add a seasonal offering from nature to a sacred space in your home, a cozy shelf or altar.
Reflect on the past year by journaling and considering all the events, people and lessons that inspire gratitude in you.
Get outside and honor this season. Take in fresh, crisp air, inhale deeply, and release anything that is best left behind this year, that no longer serves you as we prepare to begin anew.
Grant yourself loving, supportive permission to experience ALL the feelings that arise this time of year. Grief is often among them, for all sorts of things, and can feel overwhelming. Know that this is normal, and will pass. Do your best to welcome it instead of masking it by avoiding, self-medicating with substances or food, being busy or falling into a trap of anger. Allow your tears to flow. Nurture the most tender parts of your self, sink into all you’re most grateful for…truly feel it. Once those feelings are seen and heard, they flow out of you and peace rushes in to fill that space.
Move your body in restorative ways. Find some restorative yoga videos online, go to a cozy class, make a nest at home with your yoga mat, a bolster, blocks, a pillow and blanket, or on your couch, and stretch, recline, twist to release all the lessons of this year and invite your new wisdom to take root.
Make some tea and participate in activities that activate the magic of this season for you! Laugh with loved ones, watch your favorite Christmas movies, cook and bake, make some snow angels.
Consciously create space for all the magic that’s coming in the new year.
The darkest months of the year are all about slowing down, nourishing your body, mind and soul, catching up on the deepest rest, inviting in your dreams each night, and going within. Take this opportunity to nurture yourself and others, take baths, and notice how this eases your transition into the energy and promise of a brand new year.
“We are the light, living stars on Earth reflecting our light back into the darkness. Our task is to remember to turn that light on in our hearts and souls. Let it reflect in who we are and what we do in the world and the possibilities are infinite.”
-Rosemary Gladstar