R&R vs. Active Relaxation for Anxiety and Stress

“I don’t know who needs to hear this, but rest is not a reward. You don’t have to earn rest. You need rest. You deserve rest. You are worthy of rest simply because you are a living being. And don’t ever feel guilty for taking time to rest.” ~ Dr. Will Cole

What is the difference between R&R and active relaxation for anxiety and stress? Did you know there are different types of rest, with different results? Relish your down time! Rest is absolutely necessary to soar ahead, live your best life and be your very best self. It’s how you align with your Life Force, and embody your Vitality so these powerful sources of fuel flow through you and all that you do.

When you’re operating at your highest potential, your actions are intentional and effective. You see results faster. You navigate the ins and outs of life with more ease, skill and trust. You’re simply better when you’re whole.

Yes, general relaxation (social time with friends and family, reading a book, watching your favorite show, daydreaming, napping, taking baths, etc) are all wonderful, AND we also require active rest and active relaxation to fully recuperate. This active rest is the deepest, most nourishing rest.

What does this mean? Active forms of deep relaxation actually repair and restore you - they are brain states similar to sleep that change the frequencies of your brain waves. You’re conscious, yet deeply relaxed. Forms of active rest include meditation in all forms, including Yoga Nidra & guided meditations, and prayer. They bring you into different states of consciousness than when you’re fully awake, by shifting alpha, theta, beta and delta brain waves.

The feeling of emerging from these activities is an abundance of overall renewal and increased energy. Yoga Nidra is a wonderful place to begin. All that’s required is to sit or lie down and relax, and allow yourself to let go while listening to a guided meditation. You’ll wake feeling like you took a four-hour nap. See the “Shop” tab on my website for inexpensive options you can use right now. Try an audio session after lunch, and notice the flow of your afternoon ~ no slump!

With this knowledge, how will you embrace your wellness and incorporate R&R and active relaxation to mitigate anxiety and stress in your life?


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